
caramel pretzel brownies

Well todays recipe is short and definitely sweet enough ruin a few of your teeth. As you guys know by now sweet/salty is my to die for flavor combination and these brownies just knock it out of the ballpark. Just when you think your little box brownie mix has seen it all we throw in… Continue reading caramel pretzel brownies


blueberry peach upside down cake

I was bored, hungry, and alone on a friday night and that is how this cake happened. I've always been an "it has to be just right" kind of eater, perfect example as a child I would slice my moon pie so it would look like miniature cake pieces to serve with my imaginary tea. Even now… Continue reading blueberry peach upside down cake


citrus cupcakes…

Don’t you just hate it when you go to the market, spend crazy amount of money on produce, then finally get it home and behold you have a dried up piece of fruit leather. Well that happened to me this week. Oranges....stupid, overpriced, shriveled up oranges, that I now have 6 of them and not… Continue reading citrus cupcakes…


berry cheesecake crostata…

Now let me explain this crazy dish before your sweet tooth speedometer explodes. First of all  it is a crostata....and what is a crostata? honey a crostata is a flat pie, you don’t need a pie plate,  pie weights, or fancy crimped edges. Just make you favorite pie crust, roll it out, and  slap it… Continue reading berry cheesecake crostata…


katharine hepburn brownie pie…

Doesn't just the words "brownie pie" make you smile just a bit. This recipe started off from a beautiful article about Katharine Hepburn and her famous brownies. Since the oscars were last week, I thought I would give it a go since I had my momma and daddy as taste testers. Well I'm not saying Katharine's… Continue reading katharine hepburn brownie pie…


strawberry bars with cream cheese frosting…

Valentines day...what a bust. Now I'm going to be completely honest, I actually do like valentines day, but not for all the reasons you may think. It just flabergasts me every year how some dummy dum guy would spend $40 on flowers, really dude, their flowers that are going to die in 2 days. Every commercial that comes… Continue reading strawberry bars with cream cheese frosting…


100 calorie milkshake…

I don't know why I expect anything but bad news or disappointment from the news anymore. There it was our "healthy new year , new you" segment. Today's topic was a listing of all your favorite fast food binge items followed with the enormous calorie count. Honestly my parents didn't let my sisters and I eat little happy boxed meals… Continue reading 100 calorie milkshake…


mississippi mud pudding cake…

So in case I haven't mentioned it yet, I really like sweets. Like I really really like sweets, no cake, cookie, candy, or pie can pass my way without me having just a small piece. One night last week my ultimate nightmare came true, there was nothing sweet in my house. Honestly the only ingredients I… Continue reading mississippi mud pudding cake…


pudding cookies…

i have a love affair with soft batch cookies, you know the ones in the red bag made by little keebler elves. my grandmother would always keep a bag hidden for my sisters and I to snack on , and sometimes i just get the hankerin for a chewy little cookie. so i saw this recipe and the picture sure… Continue reading pudding cookies…


turtle cheesecake bars…

i love love love cheesecake, only problem is it takes to long to bake. this is a classic recipe of mine, i make it all the time because it's so easy , people think they are so delicious, and i secretly save a few for my late night snacking. so the next time you have a few people over… Continue reading turtle cheesecake bars…